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Home Guidance Making the most of OneBoxBM - Home
10/01/2023 15:20:00

Making the most of OneBoxBM - Home

In this post we'll be taking a look at the home area in OneBoxBM.

This is part of a series of posts that’s designed to help you get the most out of OneBoxBM, to view the index click here.

Unless you’ve tried to access a specific area of the system, when you first login you should arrive at the home page where you will find the following:

  • A list of shortcuts
  • Your employee summary
  • A system checklist
  • A getting started section

Note: The first time you arrive on the home page you will be provided with a ‘Quick Start’ guide, this can be accessed by clicking the ‘Help’ button in the top right of the screen at any time from the ‘Home’ page.

First up we have the list of shortcuts, each shortcut is just a clickable link that will take you to the relevant area of OneBoxBM and open the relevant editor, view or data manager.

The list of shortcuts will be based upon which actions you can perform from within the system, if haven’t been granted permission to carry out the action then you won’t see it in the list.

Note: The following help guide contains a detailed breakdown of all of the possible shortcuts, you can also view a detailed guide on permissions here.

Next up is your employee summary, as a user of the system you will also have an employment record. The summary section simply includes a limited set of the details on your employment record.

There’s also a ‘View’ or ‘Manage’ button, which will open your full employee profile when clicked; the text will vary depending upon your permissions.

Onto the system checklist, this will only be accessible if you a super user, and is intended to help guide you through your system setup. Our advice is to work through the items in order checking off each item as you go along.

Note: The nature of OneBoxBM means that you may find additional tasks under the system check list even after you have everything setup; Our goal is to continue to enhance OneBoxBM both with new features and improvements to existing ones, at times this may require you to perform additional system administration.

To help you along with this we’ve also include a ‘Go’ button which works the same way as the shortcuts listed above and a link to the most relevant help article.

Finally, we have the getting started section which contains a list of all of the categories on our help site. Simply click the ‘View’ button next to the item in the list to go to the category.

Home Guidance Making the most of OneBoxBM - Home
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